Our Story

As a child our home was a craft haven. My grandmother cooked and catered events, quilted, designed soaps with paraffin and created floral arrangements. She upholstered furniture and used her skills as a seamstress to design beautiful draperies, window treatments and valances. I was always involved in some way or another, and Essential Body Concepts was the inevitable, in passing her legacy on. We honor her with our butterfly. She loved them and we find that it represents her flowing spirit. Not to mention, the delicacy of a butterfly and human skin.

Fragrances spark memories for me as they did for her, so if you love fragrances you're in the right spot! Our products are handcrafted with premium, skin-safe ingredients. No parabens, sulfates, or phthalates are used! I hope you'll find alluring scents here that will spark a memory or two.

Thank you for supporting our small business,

Essential Body Concepts, LLC